Monday, December 31, 2007

To Resolve, Or Not To Resolve....

I quit making New Year's Resolutions long ago. But at the end of 2007, I have made several sewing resolutions. They are:

1. Rearrange the sewing room so it is more user friendly for quilting;
2. Finish several/all UFOs;
3. SEW MORE! Every single day if possible.

I have already started the process of sewing more and attempting to finish UFOs. Two UFOs are in the process of being finished and I have been able to devote some time every day to sewing since making this resolution.

Tom and I have been considering the idea of selling online and starting up a website to sell some of these things. I'm not giving up my day job, that's for sure but it would be interesting to see how things sell and the things aren't doing me any good just sitting around the house taking up space. Tom has also signed on as creative consultant/moral support/whip cracker, all designed to keep me on task. He will also be doing some of the web design research.

Even if the idea never gets off the ground, at least I think it will force me to keep my sewing resolutions for 2008.

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