Tuesday, June 12, 2007

Weekend update

Friday, we had bunco at one of the newbie's houses. It was fun and she did an exceptional job on a last minute notice. She cooked up some marvelous grub and I hope she will share with me the recipe to her lemon bars. They were yummy.

Saturday was sewing. The project was the diva bag taught by my friend Mary. It was kind of a difficult project but maybe if I would have read the directions, it would have been easier. That took almost the whole day. Didn't get home until about 2:30 and I escaped 35th Avenue without buying an inch of fabric or any new sewing books. I did buy some quilting thread and a purse magnet but those were necessities.

Sunday was the Dbacks game against the Red Sox. Randy Johnson was pitching and it was a really good game. Especially since we won. I thought the Red Sox Nation was kind of fun but Tom thought the fans were a bunch of dopes. I had dinner arrangements with my friends at 6:00 and we didn't get out of the game until after 5:00 so I had to drop Tom off at home and continue on to the restaurant. It was a nice dinner but one of my friends kind of ticked me off by bad mouthing my bunco group. She used to be in it and she said it was getting too extreme for her as far as the hostesses trying to outdo each other. A total untruth which I tried to correct but I don't think it made a dent in her opinion.

The dogs kind of got gypped on their walks because of the jam-packed weekend. I figure they will survive.

Yesterday, I attended a very informative seminar on e-discovery and the application of the new Federal Rules of Civil Procedure. The speakers were very knowledgeable and made it an enjoyable seminar. Monday night, I finally got a chance to mess around with my camera but now I am more confused than ever.


Anonymous said...

Yes, they will survive..they have swimming...

You did in fact have a jam packed but very fun weekend.

Could have gone for some of the good Mrgaritas!

You bag will be great as will the pics.


Catalyst said...

Pray tell what is "bunco"?

quilteddogs said...

If I told you what bunco is, I would have to allow you into the secret society of women....

Kidding! It's a dice game played with 12 players, 3 tables and 3 sets of dice. At the end, there can be winners in several categories.