Sunday, March 18, 2012

Small quilt show

Tom and I drove to Globe, Arizona on President's Day. One, mostly for the drive because it is really a scenic and easy drive out of Phoenix, and two, for a small quilt show they had going on in the town.

So, up the stairs of the old courthouse we go into the quilt show

Even though there was not an overabundance of quilts, there were several nice ones.

The one above was made from leftover fabric selvages. I had an idea to do something similar (although not quilt sized) and have asked friends for their leftovers. We will see what happens with that idea.

I like the brightness and the whimsey of the last three.

Turns out that there is a small quilt shop in Miami, just outside of Globe and another quilt shop in Globe that is in a large antique/vintage shop. Kind of a surprise to see it in there.

- Posted using BlogPress from my iPad


sewnews said...

All very nice - like the dinosaurs

Sissie said...

Nice pictures! We stopped at the quilt store in Globe just this week. Hadn't been there since it changed hands. Kind of an odd mishmash.